Onsite Dental Technique Improvement and Technology Training
Allow us to spend 4 or 8 hours with your team members to train them to expose images with better diagnostic qualities. No more cone cut, overlap, missing the apex, foreshortening or elongation. Need a review of endodontics imaging? We can place a dental dam on Ray, our x-ray manikin, so your team can expose and see their improvement. Bisecting and paralleling techniques are both covered in this session. We train both sensors and PSP imaging.
Image Optimization Agenda:
X-Ray Generation - beam quality and review of existing images to assess exposing issues
Dental X-Ray Exposing Equipment as it relates to digital radiography
Radiation Hygiene - reducing retakes, addressing patient concerns, radiation monitoring
Quality Assurance processes for intra oral and extra oral imaging
X-Ray Film and Holders for bisecting and paralleling processes
Infection Control
Exposure Techniques bisecting and paralleling including endodontics procedures with dental dam
Anatomical Landmarks for Positioning - review of anatomy to ensure image accuracy